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1,406 Masks

Writer's picture: Hopeful Stitches NJHopeful Stitches NJ

As promised, here are the 3 newest fabric patterns available for purchase, and of course some updates from the mission-field of hope! Pictured fabrics are: Phillies Logo - Mini Croshatch - Watercolor Butterfly

My friends, thank you for helping Hopeful Stitches to surpass another milestone! With your loyal support and unpredictably kind donations towards the cause, I am already on my way to reaching my next goal of sewing 1,500 masks! Well over 300 of these masks have been donated to some wonderfully deserving people within our community, and I am currently working on sending out an additional 40 masks to 4 amazing non-profits... more info on that project is coming very soon! Stay tuned!


After making so many masks and staring at the needle of my sewing machine (aka my best friend) for about 6 hours a day, I got to wondering... how much materials have I used so far? I'd have to estimate about: 500+ yards of elastic 8,000+ yards of thread 274,400+ square inches of fabric ... and MANY hours of sewing that I simply cannot even begin to estimate!


I want to thank everyone again for your encouragement and also your donations. Some of you have lent a hand by donating materials, fabric, thread etc. - This is so greatly appreciated because it allows the philanthropic aspect of my business to grow + thrive! Please read this review and many more reviews from the people who are being blessed by YOUR support: "Thank you Hopeful Stitches! You made our day! My husband is a disabled vet...and these masks will help him go out and about. Thank you again and God bless!" -Erin received 2 masks provided at no cost, thanks to YOUR generosity!


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